Monday, Dec. 24, 1923

(During the Past Week the Daily Press Gave Extensive Publicity to the Following Men and Women. Let Each Explain to You Why His Name Appeared in the Headlines.)

Mrs. Leonard Wood: "The New York Evening Journal, self-styled 'America's Greatest Evening Newspaper,' ignorantly announced that I had been appointed a Vice Chairman of the Republican National Committee. No doubt they confused me with Mrs. Leonard G. Woods of Pittsburgh."

J. L. Garvin, editor of the London Observer: "In its issue of Dec. 17, TIME, the weekly newsmagazine, stupidly referred to me as 'editor of The Spectator, London Sunday journal.' The Spectator, as everyone knows, is perhaps the leading weekly of the world. Its editor is Mr. Strachey."

Peter B. Kyne, author: "My publishers (Cosmopolitan Book Corporation) advertised my last book in many newspapers and periodicals: 'Peter Kyne works in his shirtsleeves. He is a regular fellow. He writes for men. . . .' Wrote Heywood Broun, famed colyumist: 'We are going to ask George Putnam, our publisher, to do something like that for us. The advertisement we have in mind would read: "The novels of Heywood Broun are for the whole world. They have that easy and informal touch. Mr. Broun does all his writing in pajamas."'

Elbert H. Gary: "On my recommendation, the United States Steel Corporation gave $100,000 to the Roman Catholic diocese of Erie, Pa., for use in the completion of a children's home."

John Pierpont Morgan: "I returned from a trip abroad. At the pier reporters besieged me. They told me that George F. Baker, recently arrived from Europe, had been publicly optimistic about world condition, urged me for my views. Said I: 'No one can question his opinion, and since you have his you don't need mine.'"

General Josef Haller, Gommander-in-Chief of the Polish Army: "At West Point, I watched a basketball game between the Army and St. Francis College. 'Please send your basketball team to Poland,' said I. 'I enjoyed the game immensely.'"

Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Navy: "One Fred B. Smith called me a 'young fop at a meeting of the Citizens' Committee of 1,000 in Manhattan. Said he: 'I understand he is wet as the Atlantic Ocean, and if the young fop tries any of that business in New York he may rest assured that we will teach him the law as satisfactorily and with as much emphasis as his father would have done.' Federal Prohibition Commissioner Haynes and Bishop William T. Manning were among those seated on the platform."

Princess Marchiabelli, Italian actress: "It became apparent that Lady Diana Duff Cooper and I had both been engaged to play the part of the Madonna in the coming production by Morris Gest and Max Reinhardt of The Miracle. Said I in a press interview: 'I am engaged to play the role of the Madonna, and I shall play it. Voila tout! I shall certainly not play on alternate nights with Lady Diana, and when the curtain rings up on the first night I shall be on the stage. If Mr. Gest insists that Lady Diana play, I shall sue him for $100,000. I have already spoken to my attorney and I have a good case. That would be a good fight, wouldn't it--almost as good as Carpentier and Dempsey.'"

Edward P. Farley, Chairman of the U. S. Shipping Board: "It became known that early in October in the board room, I called Commissioner Frederick I. Thompson of Alabama 'liar.' A blow on the jaw sent me reeling into a chair. I leapt to my feet, rushed at him. We were separated by husky Vice Chairman O'Connor and others of the Board. Later we apologized ; each of us protested warm friendship for the other."

The Very Rev. William Ralph Inge,

"gloomy dean" of St. Paul's Cathedral, London: "In a speech on National Decay and Degeneration, I said: 'We are breeding from the bottom and dying off at the top. The slum dwellers will be the fathers of the next generation. . . . The highest birthrate is that of the feeble-minded . . . whose disappearance would augment prosperity. . . . Medical skill, sanitation . . . have led to the extreme menace of overpopulating Great Britain.' "

Marilynn Miller, actress: "My attorneys announced that I had cancelled my contract with Florenz Ziegfeld and will not again appear under his management. Said Mr. Ziegfeld: "If that statement is any satisfaction to her, I am satisfied. I simply refer to my letter to her attorneys . . . and ask them to publish it." Questioned about Mr. Ziegfeld's letter, Mr. Malenvinsky (one of my attorneys) said: "To publish it would do nobody any. good and would only tend to make Mr. Ziegfeld a laughing stock."

Harry F. Sinclair, oil man: "A member of the Albanian Mission in Rome, told an American newspaper reporter that a 'certain American millionaire' (understood to be me) had just been offered the throne of Albania, 'in the hope that he can put the country on a sound financial basis.'"