Monday, Dec. 17, 1923
The Council of the League of Nations, or the Board of Directors of the League, now in session at Paris, has the following agenda: fixation of arrangements for two international opium conferences, which may be held at Geneva next Summer; discussion of the white slave traffic evil; investigation of questions affecting international health, slavery, Russian refugees, anti-obscene literature campaign, intellectual cooperation movement; consideration of reduction of armaments, compact of mutual guarantees (TiME, Aug. 20), German colonists in Poland, Memel dispute, Saar Valley report, appointment of a new High Commission for Danzig, Austrian report, plans for financial rehabilitation of Hungary, reports of the various countries holding mandates, World Court decision on Czecho-Polish dispute; discussion of the jurists' report on how the clauses of the Covenant should be interpreted. This inquiry grew out of the Italo-Greek dispute (TIME, Sept. 10 et seq.), and is the main item on the agenda.
Under the heading mandatory system the Council will also consider U. S. Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes' demand for equal opportunities for the U. S. in mandated areas. One of the great problems which the mandatory system has created is the indefinite character of the mandates themselves. Capitalists have hesitated to invest much money in the areas fearing the nonpermanence of the system.