Monday, Dec. 17, 1923

South Dakota

By the curious law of the lower Dakota, conventions were held at Pierre last week to determine what candidates shall appear in the "majority ticket" for each party in that state's nominating primaries next March.

Contrary to general expectation Calvin Coolidge was picked, 50,379 votes to 27,340 for Hiram W. Johnson to head the ticket. The corresponding Demo-cratic place went to Wm. G. McAdoo by a substantial majority over Henry Ford, and the Farmer-Labor place was won by La Follette over Ford.

The majority selections for Vice President went to Senator Arthur B. Capper of Kansas (head of the farm bloc), James W. Girard and Senator Frazier of North Dakota respectively.

The action of the South Dakota Republicans will force Mr. Coolidge to acknowledge his candidacy formally before Jan. 1, if his name is to appear on the primary ballot.