Monday, Nov. 26, 1923
U. S. G. A.
The nominating committee of the United States Golf Association picked its slate of nominees for officers of the Association, which is practically equivalent to election. The honor of the Presidency fell to Wyant D. Vanderpool of the Morris County (N. J.) Golf Club. For several years Mr. Vanderpool was Secretary of the U. S. G. A.; last year he was Vice President.
He is to succeed the retiring President J. Frederick Byers, a brother of E. M. Byers, who was National Amateur Champion in 1906. The two Vice Presidents slated are Robert A. Gardner of the Ontwensia Club, Chicago, National Champion in 1909 and 1915, and William C. Fownes, Jr., of the Oakmont Club, Pittsburgh National Champion in 1910.
Thus the champions of yesterday are the officials of today.