Monday, Nov. 12, 1923


When Achille Ratti ascended the throne of the Popes at Rome 20 months ago, the surprised world-in-general grasped one fact: he had been an Alpine climber. It overlooked the fact that the new Pope-- Pius XI--had been acting as Papal nuncio in Poland, which, from the point of view of the Roman Catholic Church, was, after the War a most crucial province.

The increasing prestige of the Vatican has, however, been constantly pointed out by Roman Catholic writers in the U.S.

Pius XI, chiefly through his Polish representatives on the frontier, but also through representatives at Petrograd and Moscow, has advanced the Roman Catholic Church in Russia by non-political benevolence. The Vatican is known as the great opponent of communism. If the revolution destroys the monopoly of the Russian Church, and if Russia gradually abandons communism the Roman Catholic Church may find itself presented with a unique opportunity to establish itself in the vastness of Russia.

In the turbulent State of Yugoslavia, too, where the Russian Church has been supreme, Pius XI has shown tactical skill in obtaining full opportunities for Roman Catholics.

The course of his relations with Mussolini has revealed the highest qualities of statesmanship. Mussolini has restored the crucifix to the schools and vigorously punished affronts to the Church.

The result of this papal statesmanship was revealed last June when Pius XI launched his "letter to Gasparri" (TIME, July 9). He practically endorsed the Hughes plan for a tribunal of experts to consider reparations. He caused Poincare to roar: " We cannot accept the guidance of the Holy Father in temporal affairs."

But the guidance of the Pope, according to Catholic writers, has been respectfully if not fully accepted in other European chancellories.

At any rate it is apparent that Pius XI has definitely associated himself with the magic word " peace" --the Pope of Peace. And it is therefore predictable that if the piping times return to Europe, the prestige of the Vatican will be more powerful than at any point in nearly a century.

The Secretary of State of the Vatican is Cardinal Gasparri. If added prestige comes, to him will go much of the credit.