Monday, Oct. 15, 1923


Leon Trotzky, Lord of the Red Army, was reported to have said: " As long as private property exists in America, American interests in Russia will be respected and all engagements entered into with the Soviets will be scrupulously kept. Any other action will be suicidal."

According to reports, U. S. Senator Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin has lost " much of his intense admiration for the Bolsheviki." The change of attitude was ascribed to the fact that the Soviet authorities had not proffered to him " the usual Senatorial courtesies," and that as a result he had been obliged to travel in a boxcar.

It was reported from Moscow that an " Extraordinary Three," composed of MM. Dzerzhinsky, Trotzky ana Stalin, had been appointed to deal with extreme Bolsheviki. The same despatch said that one Biloborodov, ex-Chairman of the Ekaterinburg Executive Committee, at present ' Commissar of the Interior," who assisted in planning the murder of the Tzar and the Tzarina and their children, has been placed at the "disposal " of the triumvirate.

In a Kiev synagogue the congregation stampeded because the lights were suddenly extinguished and cries of fire raised. Sixty persons were crushed to death.