Monday, Sep. 17, 1923
Having perused well the chronicle of the week, the Vigilant Patriot views with alarm:
"Standing room only " in the nation's public schools. (P. 19.)
A broad belt of bubonic plague that has encircled the globe. (P. 17.)
Unfortunate interpretations of an anecdote about the late Mr. Harding. (P. 2.)
The new theatrical season on Broadway--so far a failure. (P, 14.) The unpopularity of republican government in Portugal. (P. 10.)
" The biggest graft case in German political history." (P. 9.)
Absurd hyperbole in an upstart journal. (P. 20.)
A temperamental feud between Prima Donna Jeritza and Tenor Piccaver. (P. 12.)
A sour insult to golf. (P. 20.)
Weeds on the grave of " one of the ablest men that ever sat in Congress." (P. 6.)
Unprofitable irrigation that may cost people their homes and the Government $100,000,000. (P. 3.)
A rocky coast on which a whole fleet came to grief. (P. 4.)
The murderer for whose head a 5,000 prize is offered. (P. 7.)
The World War, which still visits suffering on Israel. (P. 8.)
A vast country with barefooted children, wooden-shoed parents, poverty stricken villages. (P. 10.)