Monday, Jul. 30, 1923
The Delightful Dumb-bell
"Sparkling comedienne of the silver sheet," Constance Talmadge has turned "cartoonist," according to the announcement of her press agent. She is "collaborating" with Lauren Stout, cartoonist. "That is," continued her press agent, "Constance develops the. ideas and lines, then gives them to Mr. Stout, who, in turn, transfers them to paper." Miss Talmadge's first venture as an artist--a pen-and-ink artist--will be a series of cartoons entitled Dulcy, The Delightful Dumbbell. They are syndicated by the Key-City Feature Service and will appear in the Evansville (Ind.) Courier, the Rockwell (Okla.) Tribune, the Boston Post, the Scranton Telegram, the Sacramento Tribune, the Muskogee (Okla.) Phoenix, the Morning Sentinel (Orlando, Fla.), and in other enterprising papers throughout the United Spates and Canada.
"Incidentally," added the press agent, "Miss Talmadge refuses to accept a penny for her efforts."