Monday, Jul. 30, 1923
Tobacco Merger?
The absence abroad of J. B. Duke, George Whelan and other leading figures in the tobacco business, is held to confirm rumors of a $250,000,000 tobacco merger--the largest tobacco combine in the world--including the United States and Europe. It is understood that the Whelan-Duke interests are now negotiating with the British-American Tobacco Company, which is expected, together with the Tobacco Products Company, to form the nucleus of the new combine. In connection with the deal, the names of Philip Morris Co., Melachrino & Co., the Falk Tobacco Co., Schinasi Brothers, Stephano Brothers and others have been mentioned. These concerns, as well as the United Cigar Stores, are now controlled by Tobacco Productts.
Elliott Everett, Vice President of the Guaranty Company, and E. R. Tinker, President of the Chase Securities Company, are abroad as bankers in the proposed merger, which, it is estimated, will require for its consummation about $30,000,000 of new capital.