Monday, Jul. 16, 1923
Quadwrangler Forgets
President Barrows, formerly President of the University of California, told the Association of American Universities that success in student activities was one of the best criteria of fitness. He said: " I have followed for about ten years now the course of men who obtain prominent positions in what we sometimes derisively call students' activities.' Almost without exception those men are not only successful in their business of life, but in almost every case they are influential and important men in the communities in which they live." The gentleman who, under the name of Quadwrangler, writes educational gossip for the Boston Transcript, disagrees. He thinks the successful undergraduate is such merely because of an excess of the competitive spirit, whereas the true student is such because he "must"--his simple doom is to be scholarly. Without coming to blows with the venerable Bostonian, it is possible to point out that he is, unfortunately, quite wrong. It is as possible to be a great halfback because one must as to be a Phi Beta Kappa man for like reasons. There once was a race of people known as the Greeks--but Quadwrangler knows all about them. He merely forgets.