Monday, Jul. 02, 1923

Treaties for Defense

The defensive alliance signed on April 23, 1921, between Czechoslovakia and Rumania was renewed at Prague. Plenipotentiaries: for Czecho-Slovakia, Dr. Edouard Benes, Minister of Foreign Affairs; for His Majesty the King of Rumania, R. N. Hioft, Rumanian Ambassador at Prague.

This convention is one of the three which unifies the Little Entente. The others being a treaty between Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavia), renewed at Marianske Lazne, Czecho-Slovakia, August 31, 1922, for two years; a treaty between Rumania and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, signed at Belgrade, June 7, 1921, for two years. All these treaties are effective from the date of ratification and by virtue of a saving clause they are valid for six months after the stated period. The treaties are in every case directed against possible Hungarian agression.