Monday, Jun. 25, 1923


Engaged. Gordon Stevenson, the artist, to Miss Candace Hewitt, a granddaughter of the late Abram S. Hewitt, one time Mayor of New York.

Engaged. Baron James Henri de Rothschild, " handsome, young banker," who has been studying in America, to Mile. Claudia Dupont, French debutante. (A $500,000 breach of promise suit instituted by Mile. Marie Porquet against Baron de Rothschild in the New York Supreme Court has been withdrawn.)

Engaged. Miss Ruth Bryan Owen, 18, granddaughter of William Jennings Bryan, to William Meeker, 19, of Baltimore.

Engaged. Miss Pearl Ginsberg ("Pearl Shepard"), motion picture actress, to Prince Mohammed Ali Ibrahim, heir to the Egyptian throne. Accompanied by her mother, Mis? Ginsberg and the Prince sailed on the Aquitania with the intention of being married in Alexandria, if they obtain King Fuad's approval.

Engaged. Baroness Marie von Friedlander-Fuld von Kuhlmann, one of the greatest pre-war German heiresses and divorced wife of the Foreign Minister (von Kuhlmann) who signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, to Erich Goldschmidt-Rothschild, scion of the only remaining German branch of the Rothschild family.

Married. Miss Louisa Ruth Hoar, step-daughter of Frederick H. Gillett, Speaker of the House of Representatives and granddaughter of the late Senator George F. Hoar of Massachusetts, to Christopher La Farge of New York, grandson of the late John La Farge, artist, and great-grandson of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. Among the guests (in Washington) were the President of the United States and Mrs. Harding.

Married. Fraulein Charlotte Tauscher, only daughter of Mme. Johanna Gadski Tauscher, opera singer, and Hans Tauscher, to Ernst Adolphus Busch, grandnephew of the late Adolphus Busch, of St. Louis, at Berlin.

Married. Ex-Senator Richard F. Pettigrew, 75, to Mrs. Roberta Smith, 50., of Chicago, at New York. The marriage took place last February, but was not announced until recently " for personal reasons." Said Mrs. Pettigrew: "So long as people are talking so much, I guess we may as well tell it."

Married. Fraulein Amalie Ebert, only daughter of the President of Germany, to Dr. Wilhelm Jaenecke, attache of the German Foreign Office, at Berlin. Frau Jaenecke plans to continue her studies to qualify herself as a librarian at the municipal library at Charlottenburg.

Married. Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly, who, with Lieutenant John A. Macready, made the coast-to-coast non-stop airplane flight, to Miss Mary M. Watson, at Washington. Lieutenant Macready was married soon after the flight to Miss Nellie Jay Turner (TIME, May 19).

Married. Miss Bernice Hart, actress, who was recently prominent in Bombo, to Harold Bridgman, Captain of the University of Pennsylvania Polo Team. They eloped.

Married. Lady Mary Cambridge, niece of Queen Mary of England, to Henry Hugh Arthur Fitzroy Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, at London.

Sued for Divorce. Harry A. Williams, Jr., real estate broker of Norfolk, Va., by Mrs. Marthena Harrison Williams, who was born in the White House during the incumbency of her grandfather, the late President Benjamin Harrison.

Died. General Luis Terrazas, 93, at Chihuahua City, Mexico. As an officer of the staff of Benito Juarez, liberator and one time President of Mexico, he fought against Apache and Comanche invaders, and captured Chihuahua City from native troops commanded by the French. One of the greatest Mexican cattle kings, with wealth estimated at $40,000,000, he lost most of his fortune in the Villa Revolution. Part of his six years' exile he spent as a guest of the then Senator Albert B. Fall, at El Paso.

Died. Lieutenant General Oscar von Chelius, 64, quondam Adjutant General to Wilhelm II, in Bavaria.

Died. John McParland, 55, Presi-- dent of the International Typographical Union, of heart disease, at Indianapolis.

Died. Ex-Premier Alexander Stambuliski, of Bulgaria. (See p. 11.)

Died. Maurice Hewlett, 62, novelist, authority on heraldry, of pneumonia, at Broadchalke, Salisbury, England. Among his famous books are The Forest Lovers, Richard Yea-and-Nay, The Queen's Quair.

Died. Dr. Arthur Looss, 62, at Giessen, Germany, former professor of parasitology and biology at the University of Cairo, who first scientifically described the hookworm, Ancylostoma duodenale.