Monday, Jun. 25, 1923
" Best Known Man "
M. Radiolo, one-time railway accountant, " best known man in France," has risen to fame because he has a voice more resonant than that of either Caruso or Jean de Reszke at the height of their careers. He gets $63 a week--quite a large salary for Paris. His job is to amuse radio fans by talking to them through the transmitter of a wireless broadcasting apparatus. His mellifluent voice, heard by women listening in on the 50,000 receiving sets in France, has brought Radiolo many pressing matrimonial proposals. Recently he attended a theatre. The audience rose en masse to cheer him. Nor would they be appeased until M. Radiolo had bowed and repeated in his most sonorous tones: " Bon soir, messieurs. Bon soir, mesdames."