Monday, Jun. 18, 1923
During four days of the Shriners' Convention in Washington: 50,000 visitors called at the White House. 20,000 of them called on one day - the largest number of guests at the White House in any day of its history. 10,000 visitors shook the President's hand. At nearly all hours the lines of waiting visitors extended several blocks from the White House in the broiling sun. 1,000 persons were admitted at a time by the White House police, the usual formality of admission by card being disregarded.
Three parades by day and by night, each of approximately four hours' duration, were reviewed by the President.
1,000 salutes were delivered by the President and Mrs. Harding to flags that passed in parades.
1,000 rockets opened the fireworks display at midnight following the last parade.
The Los Angeles delegation cheered the President so loudly that Laddie Boy, Presidential hound, ran to cover.