Monday, May. 28, 1923

" Mind Own Business! "

The latest cry of exasperation with politicians comes from Dr. Neilson, President of Smith College, who demands that scholars be " let alone" in their teaching and writing of history and that legislators " keep their hands off." Like President Farrand of Cornell, he believes that " we are getting into an era of parochial patriotism " which will do little credit to our national intelligence.

Said he (in a speech before the English-speaking Union, in Manhattan) : " The histories studied in this country have been getting better and better," he continued. " But the fact must be faced that within the last few years this progress has been checked. There has set in a wave of reaction, and in almost every state of the union there is going on an agitation for the reintroduction of parochial patriotism into the histories and colleges.

" The scholars of this country, then, ask no support in the pushing of particular views. They ask and all they need is to be let alone."