Saturday, May. 19, 1923

Glider Crosses Channel

Intensive study of gliding gives promise of flight on a more economic basis and the possibility of real " air flivvers." Last week another achievement was placed to the credit of the motorized glider. Georges Barbot, French aviator, holder of the world's record for duration of gliding flight, flew across the English channel and back in a tiny monoplane, equipped with only 15 horsepower and carrying but one gallon of gasoline. Sixty-one minutes' flight from St. Inglevert, France, to Lympne, England, and forty-four minutes' flight back from England to France, won the aviator a prize of 25,000 francs offered by the Paris Matin.

Barbot, expected shortly in America, will visit New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Dayton, returning to France June 15.