Saturday, May. 19, 1923


Charles B. Warren and John Barton Payne, sent to Mexico by the U. S. Government to negotiate for a resumption of friendly relations between the two countries; arrived in Mexico City. They were met at the station by the Mexican delegates, who will confer with them, Ramon Ross and Gonzales Roa. The American Charge d'Affaires, the Embassy staff and a delegation from the Mexican Foreign Office were also in attendance.

The United States delegates will reside in the magnificent Escandon Palace during their stay in Mexico's capital city. They were warmly welcomed by official and public bodies and by the press.

When the commissioners were received by President Obregon, they emphasized the fact that Mexico must respect private property, revolution or no revolution. Said Mr. Warren: "We are not here for pleasure, but to help the Mexican Government to understand the fundamental principle of the American Government, and to repeat that American rights are sacred, not only in Mexico, but all over the world."

At the first meeting between the United States and Mexican delegates the usual formal urbanities were exchanged.