Saturday, May. 12, 1923
On the Map
Shelby, Mont., is to take its place beside Goldfield, Nev., as the scene of a great conflict. Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion, has signed articles to fight 15 rounds to decision with Tom Gibbons of St. Paul in Shelby on the afternoon of July 4. Shelby is populated by slightly less than 1,000 persons and is seldom dignified by mention on the map. Montana promotors have guaranteed the champion $300,000, nearly $700 a minute, for his part in the ceremonies. Gibbons will take a gambler's chance with a percentage of the gate receipts.
Expert critics agree that Gibbons, who is little more than a middleweight, will have " no chance." Others, equally expert, insist that the whole announcement is merely a bit of ballyhoo and that Tex Rickard will step in at the critical moment and transfer the fight to Boyle's Thirty Acres.
Meanwhile Dempsey and Gibbons have started training.