Saturday, May. 12, 1923
Debts and Reparations
An editorial in The New York World discussed the recent German offer to the Allies of $7,500,000,000 in relation to French finances. There are three chances, says The World:
1) If France receives only 52% of the reparations offer and must pay her debts to Great Britain:
Liabilities, $6,400,000,000
Assets, 3,700,000,000
Deficit, $2,700,000,000
2) If Britain canceled reparations and Britain and America canceled debts:
No liabilities.
Assets, $7,500,000,000
3) If Britain and the United States refuse to cancel, France, in order to gain the advantage of number two, must ask from Germany:
$7,500,000,000 for herself
7,500,000,000 for the other Allies
6,400,000,000 for her debts
$21,400,000,000 Total