Saturday, Apr. 21, 1923
Officially Lenin is reported to be progressing favorably. Unofficially it is rumored that he has been dead for some weeks. As no one can see the Premier of the Russian Soviet Government, dead or alive, and as the press censorship is so severe that there is no possibility of a leak through official channels, the world will have to wait the pleasure of the parsimonious Bolsheviki.
In the interim between fact and probability speculation is still rife as to who will succeed Lenin. The latest theory is that when his death is announced the whole fabric and government of the Russian Communists will collapse. There is not one iota of truth in this contention, for during the past few months Lenin has ceased to be of any political consequence. Kaminev, weak and moderate, has been installed in the shoes of the great one; but these shoes are so big and strong that Kaminev has to go where they take him. The men who are really ruling Russia (Rykov, Zinovien, Stalin and their friends), ceased some time ago to fear Lenin and have directed their policies through such figureheads as Kaminev, Tchitcherin and Kalinin.