Saturday, Apr. 14, 1923

Siamese Twins

Siamese Twin

The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of America, in convention at Warren, Ohio, was addressed by a member of 30 years' standing--the United States Secretary of Labor, James J. Davis.

" Employer and employee are like Siamese twins. If one gains both must gain. If one loses both must lose. . . .

" We must place at the disposal of the workers accurate scientific information as to the problems, conditions and purposes which confront employers. . . .

" The trade union principle is fundamentally sound, but like every other great human institution, it has its faults. . . .

" The spectacle of workers employing the strike weapon against their fellows is a reflection upon OUT civilization. . . .

" I am not one of those who believe that you can force industrial peace by legal enactment

" The tragedy of every strike, it seems to me, is that, ultimately, it is settled by negotiation or compromise. ... In almost every case both workers and employer have lost by reason of the conflict. Instead of conference after months of industrial battle, I would have council before the strike is called. . . .

" Do not wait for times of trouble to get together with your employer. When business is prosperous is the time for workers and management to get together and work out plans for stabilizing conditions in their industry. . . .

" The twelve-hour day and the seven-day week in American industry must go."