Saturday, Apr. 07, 1923
Military Critics
Admiral Sims is agitated because there "is not a competent military critic on any newspaper in the United States, while on the other side (of the Atlantic) there isn't a newspaper without one." The New York Globe, believing this situation to be a godsend rather than a calamity, has the following to say:
"These military critics who are to be found in the European press are about as great a nuisance as the journalism of Europe knows. Each one sees a new danger every week. Each one has a new bright idea for building battleships or something every fortnight. Practically every one is the spokesman of some clique in the General Staff. Before the war, during the war, and after the war, they were most of them wrong most of the time. In all of literature there would be no more melancholy reading than the collected prophecies, warnings and advice of the journalistic military experts."
Mr. Bruce Bliven has joined the editorial board of The New Republic. After acquiring considerable reputation as a journalist in California, he came to New York in 1920 to take the position of Managing Editor of The Globe.