Saturday, Apr. 07, 1923
Great Ones
"Lord Robert Cecil and a collection of New York newspaper men saw each other yesterday. The line at the head table included, sitting next to each other, Frank A. Munsey, who supplied the food, Lord Robert Cecil, Senator Beveridge of Indiana, William Randolph Hearst and Thomas W. Lamont, of J. Pierpont Morgan & Co., all most becoming and appropriate. "There was also William C. Reick, who went reporting with this writer nearly forty years ago, and Dayton, publisher of the Evening Journal, the ablest publisher with one possible and doubtful exception in the United States. There was J. A. Moore, 'The Magazine King'; also Ochs, who owns The New York Times, and is constantly hiring more warehouses to hold his money; and Wiley, who goes everywhere that Ochs goes, like the little bird that accompanies the rhinoceros, and warns it. Otto H. Kahn was there. His specialties are money and music, with a little extra pressure on the money pedal. Also Melville Stone, who joined the 'Why Did I Do It Club' when he sold the Chicago News to Lawson."--Arthur Brisbane in the Hearst papers.