Saturday, Mar. 31, 1923
In Eshington, Northumberland, a new non-stop dancing record was established by Victor Hindmarch, who kept at it for 25 hours. His partner, Miss Delia Dunn retired af-ter 22 hours and 21 minutes, but the untiring Hindmarch continued with a woman spectator.
In Chicago a pair of twins were christened Adam and Eve.
In Berlin, where butter costs 6,500 marks a pound and is no longer served in the restaurants, pocket butter-boxes are in vogue.
The Department of Agriculture horse-census shows that there are 20,550,000 horses in the United States. There were 23,145,000 in 1914.
There are registered in the United States 12,238,375 motor vehicles of various sorts, 10,000,000 of which are passenger cars.
Washington, D. C.'s, Pennsylvania Avenue equestrian statute of George Washington, damaged by the elements, was shipped to Brooklyn for repairs.
The Eifel Tower broadcasting station was opening with the first strains of a concert of classical music when a Yankee voice remarked: " Classical music is no good. Let me give you some real music." Then the ether was shattered with Casey Jones. The police are after the joker and have already determined " approximately" where he lives. The gendarmes describe him as having " a disjointed sense of humor."
In the spring rush to the Yukon the old-fashioned dog sledge has been generally supplanted by caterpillar tractors.
Hornets are swarming to the mausoleum of Tut-ank-Amen in the Valley of the Kings--evidently attracted by some ingredient used in treating the objects taken from the tomb. Two physicians advanced upon a patient in Clinton, Iowa, to determine his blood pressure. He opened fire with two revolvers, wounded one doctor, shot himself. He then died.