Saturday, Mar. 24, 1923

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

Those Yale professors who are still carrying on the fight for Latin and Greek as admission requirements. (P. 17.)

The fastest fighting plane in the world. (P. 25.)

Senators McNary, Harrison, Moses, Couzens, and Fletcher, who will tend up to business even during their recess. (P. 2.)

The fact that the well known English words, " interview " and " gentleman," have been incorporated in la langue franc,aise. (P. 10.)

President Li, who, undaunted by adversity, continues to wage fierce war against the Tuchuns. (P. 13.)

" Li'l Arthur" Johnson, who--well past his heyday--knows how to prevent able, active Luis Angel Firpo from harming him. (P. 24.)

Noiseless street cars for St. Paul and Minneapolis. (P. 6.)

Ex-Ambassador Page, whom the British have enshrined not only in their hearts, but in a niche in Westminister Abbey. (P. 9.)

Jessie Conrad, who made Joseph C. what he is today. (P. 15.)

Mike McTigue! He knocked the silver lining out of a black cloud. (P. 24.)

Men who respect the feelings of the festive dog who sports in the roadway. (P. 27.)

Three football elevens who banqueted with no speakers present. (P. 24.)

Nature who " with lavish hand moulds throughout our land the most magnificent and awe-inspiring scenery." (P. 2.)

The American golfer who can shoot a regulation length course in 62. (P. 24.)

Guglielmo Marconi. He aims to make the radio as private as the telephone. (P. 21.)

The Hylan administration's record of service to the people of New York&3151;soon to be demonstrated at a cost of $493,500. (P. 6.)