Saturday, Mar. 24, 1923
Zionism: The primary elections to the Electoral College in Palestine resulted in the seating of 126 Moslems, 93 Jews, 22 Christians, 8 from other sects. The Arabs boycotted the election. Non-Jewish groups have a majority of 63--a blow to Zionism.
Feng: A cable from Peking reports the conversion to Christianity of the last 4,000 in the division of the Chinese army commanded by General Feng, the " Cromwell of China." His men wear armbands containing the stern military ideals of their Methodist leader and go into battle singing hymns.
Prayer: Five hundred copies of Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdiek's book, The Meaning of Prayer, were ordered by the head of a large corporation for his employees. They were presented with this message: " If you can get a grip on a faith like that it's going to mean the greatest year this company ever had."
Flats: Rev. Arthur Buxton, rector of a London church, made a survey to prove that flats make people irreligious 80% of flat dwellers go away for the week end."
Union: Communicants of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Greek Orthodox) joined with Episcopalians at a union service at the Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York.