Saturday, Mar. 24, 1923
Save the Forests!
Some Senators and Congressmen take vacations between sessions, some go on junketing excursions at the Government's expense, some work on real investigations. Five of the last are Senators McNary, Harrison, Moses, Couzens, and Fletcher--members of the Senate Committee on Reforestization, who have undertaken the business of preparing a bill for a comprehensive national policy in regard to our timberlands. Their program includes hearings in Washington, a trip beginning this week to Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, more hearings in New Orleans and Washington, investigations in New England, and, finally, inspection of the timber lands of the West.
The cut-over pine lands of the South are their immediate concern. They hope to formulate a plan for controlling the fire menace in areas outside of the National Forests.
Meanwhile President Harding has proclaimed a " Save-the-Forests" Week, from April 22 to 28, urging State governors to cooperate in the movement.