Saturday, Mar. 17, 1923
At Home--Points from Premier Mussolini's speech at the presentation of departmental budgets to the Finance Minister, which was attended by a great display of military force both by the Army and the Fascista National Militia: " You may ask the reason for this great display of military strength. It is to show that the Government has armed forces at its disposal. ... It may happen, perchance, that armed forces may help some people to make up their minds. . . . We have solemnly promised to balance the State budget and this promise we must keep at all costs." A royal decree was issued providing for a thorough comb-out of all government departments with a view to cutting State expenditure. Persons over 65 or those who have had 40 years' service will be retired on pension. Power is given to Ministers to dispense with all employees not giving maximum satisfaction. The Army and Navy and other government military organizations are exempted. The railways will be dealt with later in a special decree. Abroad--Mussolini, referring to the newspaper campaign in favor of a Franco-Italian alliance, said that the Fascista Government neither agreed with nor authorized such a movement; the Government would follow an autonomous policy. Italian workmen accompanied by a priest on their way to Belgium were maltreated in Bavaria by a crowd who were under the impression that they were distined for the Ruhr. Premier Mussolini has instructed th Italian Ambassador in Berlin to demand exemplary punishment of th ringleaders, with compensation fo the victims. The message inform Germany that Italy will not permit the molestation of her subjects an will defend them, whatever the consequences.