Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923

Mr. Root on Leisure

Mr. Elihu Root calls attention to the widespread misuse of leisure, particularly among those who have recently acquired it. In a world in which the workman no longer has the joy of "perfecting his works" but merely the delight of pulling a lever 897 times an hour, he must save his soul in his leisure time if he is to save it at all. His difficulty at present is that he would rather lose his soul than his spare time. And Mr. Root says he can't have both.

Mussolini has approved the reform program for Italian education which proposes to encourage initiative, create a sense of individual responsibility, and nurtures the cult of national and religious traditions. The schools are to be humanistic. The universities are to be purely scientific and not professional. French will no longer be synonymous for " modern languages."

The University of Rome announces special summer courses in Italian economics, history, art, archaeology, letters, languages. Twelve scholarships are offered by the Associazione Italio-Americano for assignment on the basis of merit.