Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923
Apostolic Delegate
Monsignor Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi, titular Archbishop of Dioclea and new Apostolic Delegate to the United States, arrived from Rome. He gave the apostolic benediction to the worshippers in St. Patrick's cathedral last Sunday.
During the war Mgr. Fumasoni-Biondi was papal delegate to the East Indies. Japan was one of the "islands " under his charge, and he did much to promote understanding between the Vatican and the Mikado.
His functions as papal delegate are purely religious, since the United States has no representative at the Vatican. (A papal nuncio represents the Holy Father in civil matters at those chancelleries which send representatives to Rome.)
Pope Pius may cause to be built a new wing to the Vatican to house Cardinals who, because of steadily rising rents, cannot afford residences suitable to their rank.